
Gorgeous Mbali Catches Smoke Over The Blue Train Failure To Operate

Mbali Sebapu, known as Gorgeous Mbali, is breathing through the wound after the blue train failed to operate today due to a power outage.

After sharing her expensive and only branded handbags on TikTok, gorgeous Mbali caught the smoke. Tweeps were upset when they began to criticize Gorgeous Mbali and attribute all her expensive branded handbags to tax payers.

Gorgeous Mbali’s relationship with Auswell Mashaba’s son Nsovo caused the tax payer money scandal. Auswell Mashaba has been linked to numerous scandals involving Prasa and Swifambo Rails’ “dirty dealings” and tax payer looting.

On its first day of operation, the blue train got stuck due to power failure, stranding Gauteng commuters. Tweeps blamed Gorgeous Mbali and even tagged her expensive, branded handbag collection video.

“This Gorgeous Mbali woman and her minions are the most boring thing on the internet. Must we remind you guys everytime you ‘re celebrating her ‘success’ you are actually pissing on your own tax money !” wrote Lindo G

The outraged tweeps are lambasted Gorgeous Mbali because they feel as though all her money is questionable. Even though she is hard at work, have multiple business, recently opened another store and a successful influencer.

“At least I see we our tax money is going” wrote Mshimane

“Eyi imali yezitimela imphethe kahle ugojas” wrote Pep Mnc

“Its giving blue train vibes” wrote Sir Boring

Meanwhile some tweeps are even calling for the expensive handbags to be auctioned, in order for the money for tax payers money to be paid back. Although Gorgeous Mbali had no dealings with the Prasa and or the Swifambo Rails, but the Influencer is catching smoke for dating the son of Auswell Mashaba.

“Can they be taken for auction like Marilyn Manroe or what’s happening? I am not fighting ke kutsana” wrote Just Rozay

“Imali yethu ye prasa” wrote Lee Jones

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